Alcatel onetouch Pop 2 5042D : factory reset .android/secure... And ADB Shell Error topic


I've bricked my rooted Alcatel onetouch pop 2 5042D after installing chainfire3d plug-ins. First, i try factory reset via
CWM but i get "(some thing with chineese) .android/secure.... " then my phone doesn't reboot. So i try a tutorial on this Forum using ADB, but when i type "adb shell" command, i get (~ #) instead of ($), then i type "Su" and i get this txt error "sh/sbin : su not found", so i can t get root access to uninstall CF3D.
PLEASE, Help me, my alcatel STUCK at logo,but i can turn it on recovery or fastboot mode.
HOW to fix this problem ? (and sorry for my bad english)


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