[4.4.2] HIVE S002 Beta 1 for Auxus Note 5.5 by CMahendra topic


CM443 ROM: First Tweaked SPFT version 1.1 by CMahendra
for iBerry Auxus Note 5.5

This also UNBRICKS, totally bricked phone. Guys. We now have our own first Stock Rom on 4.4.3. This is also Bhaarat's first SPFT version of AUXUS NOTE 5.5 STOCK ROM. RomDump and built completely by me.



Features in v1.0:
1) Fully Rooted
2) Deodexed Every App and Framework files
3) ZipAligned & Optimized
4) Installs TWRP Recovery (If you dont want to change recovery, UNSELECT recovery while flashing.
5) Boot Image Modified for improvements
6) Boatwares removed, only stock essentials
7) All latest GAPPS (Maps , Gmail , Playstore, Play Services, etc)
8) Google Now Launcher
9) Loud Sound
10) Ported Improved and Better Stock Camera with frameworks (No Grains in camera)
11) NFC Tools integrated
12) All apps tested ok and perfect.
13) Perfected Boot Animation and Boot Logo.
14) Buttery Smooth
15) Less Battery Drain than 4.4.2
16) Many tiny things I dont remember now :D
Whats new in v1.1
--- Full Tweaking init.d Support enabled and added 4.4.3 compatible tweaks
--- Network Tweaks for faster server response
--- Deep Sleep Tweak Enabled
--- Battery Backup will improve noticeably. ZERO DRAIN when screen off.
--- Ram Optimization after every reboot
--- Sqlite3 Optimization after every reboot
--- Auto Cache Management
--- Fixed FC in FactoryTest Mode (Hidden menu Calibration)
--- Wifi performance improved
--- Faster UI rendering via GPU
--- Improved photo and video recording quality

Whats wrong/missing?
--- Off-screen gestures is intentionally removed for better battery backup, because it is main culprit in faster-drain of battery. It will not be added in my ROM now or in future. But you can try any Free App available on Google Play Store for the same. Kindly do not send request for adding it. I don't want freaking panic reports for battery drains.

Important: Screen Gestures are still working perfectly. For GOD's sake read and understand that Offscreen gestures and Screen Gestures are different things. Those who will again ask it will be recognized as nothing but n00bs.

Installation Instructions:

Warning: Do at your own risk. Electricity Supply failure or disconnection due to poor cable can still brick your phone beyond repair. I am not responsible for any damages.

1) Optional if already installed before: Download and install ADB USB Driver Provided by iBerry (Recommended). You can also use Universal Android USB Drivers if you have any. Restart PC after installing.

2) Optional if already installed before: Download and Install ADB Driver Installer for Windows (important) while installing connect phone to pc and let is recognize .

After installation is done disconnect phone from pc.

Rebooting PC/Laptop Recommended at this point. DO NOT CONNECT YOUR PHONE NOW.

3) Download and extract Main FIRMWARE Package (Link in Second Post) on desktop or anywhere on your pc/laptop.

4) Also Download and extract SPFT Flashing Tool on your pc/laptop (Download Link)

5) Run as Administrator the Flash_Tool.exe from SPTools folder inside that folder you extracted.

6) Keep all options checked (selected) as shown in following image. If options are not checked (selected) then click on "Scatter-loading" button at top-right side and select "MT6592_Android_scatter.txt" file from extracted "Firmware443" sub-folder . All files options will be selected but if anything is not selected then select accordingly as mentioned in following image.

Now PRESS "Download" button at top

7) Remove battery and memory card from phone and connect PHONE to pc with usb cable. Now pc should recognize phone and flashing should start in a minute. Look at process bar in image below. WAIT WITH PATIENCE.

After flashing is done, the GREEN tick mark will be shown as shown in image below.

8) Now close program on pc and remove cable and reboot phone.

9) Important: When phone starts you should do Factory Reset by going Settings >> Backup & Reset >> Factory Data Reset.
This step will reboot your phone once more.

10) ABOVE IS MAIN ROM. Flash Recovery Flashable Zip of Update Version 1.1. Just flash from Recovery and reboot. No wipe required.

Done. Enjoy :) Press thanks if you liked my work.

XDA:DevDB Information
HiveS002 for Auxus Note 5.5 by CMahendra, ROM for all devices (see above for details)

ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: HIVE S002

Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Stable Version: Beta 1
Stable Release Date: 2015-04-17
Current Beta Version: Beta 1
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-17

Created 2015-04-17
Last Updated 2015-04-17


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